
Drywall Repair Services in Seattle


Amity Painting is also one of Seattle’s premier drywall contractors; we repair holes, smooth imperfections and install new walls and ceilings.

Seattle Drywall Repair
Accidents happen – it doesn’t matter how large or small the hole, we’ll fix it, prime it, retexture it and repaint it with no questions asked. Same goes with holes created to access plumbing and electrical systems, to run cable, install insulation or manage pest control.

Water Damage Repair Specialists
Faulty siding, insulation or plumbing can cause water or moisture damage to your walls. Once the root problem is found and fixed, we can restore your walls to look brand new. If you need referrals to quality building contractors, carpenters, flooring installers, plumbers or insulation specialists, we’d be happy to make the connection whenever possible.

The Drywall Repair Process
Depending on the size of your project, the drywall repair will take place over consecutive days whenever possible. Each visit will be quick and efficient as we repair the hole, mud, tape and sand before leaving the right amount of time for the work to set before we install additional coats, and then begin the texture and repainting process.

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Color Matching
If you need us to re-paint the wall, we will take a paint chip from the repair area to match the current color to the closest possible degree. This process helps us match the natural fade in the paint. In some cases, we simply repaint the entire wall for seamless match.

Contact Amity Painting today to discuss your commercial painting project.